The Hawaii Music Teacher Directory is a free service for all active HMTA members. Some of the benefits include:

  • Personalized teacher listings with as much (or as little) information about you as you desire

  • Ability for potential students to find you through search engines (Google, Bing, etc.) and when they visit

  • Ability for potential students to contact you using an online form (optional)

  • Messages from potential students delivered to your email inbox (your email address will not be publicly listed)

Please note:

  • Participation in the Online Directory is NOT automatic. You must register using the link below.

  • Participation in the Online Directory is completely optional and separate from our printed directory. If you choose not to be included in the Online Directory, you will still be included in any future printed directories.

  • HMTA is not responsible for you, or anyone who may contact you through It is your responsibility to use best practices when replying to and dealing with any potential students.

  • The registration form will allow you to submit optional media to enhance your page such as photo (up to 1 MB; highly recommended), website URL and audio/video (YouTube, Soundcloud, etc.). You will also be asked questions about your studio and teaching philosophy. Most questions are optional. Providing more information will help the right students to find you. 

For additional questions or concerns, please email

Click to view sample listing

Click to view sample listing

(redirects to Google Forms)